Krystan Hager – Writing Tips!

Krysten Lindsay Hager (4)Krysten Lindsay Hager is a young adult author who writes about friendship, self-esteem, fitting in, frenemies, crushes, celebs, and values. She writes the Landry’s True Colors Series and the new Star Series. Best Friends…Forever? was ranked at #1 on Amazon’s Hot New Releases in Teen & Young Adult Values & Virtues Fiction. Her work has been featured in USA Today and on Living Dayton. Her latest book, Next Door to a Star is out now. Coming soon in early 2016: Landry in Like (Landry’s True Colors Book 3) and Competition with the Star (The Star Series).

1.What’s the best way for a writer juggle their personal and writing life? Ordinary life often gets in the way of a planned structured day. Any tips? I like to get the admin side of writing out of the way first. I find that if I have a long to-do list that it weighs on my mind and makes it harder to slip into that creative mind-set. It’s best to get that stuff out of the way first.

2.What can a writer do to overcome ‘writer’s block? I think reading and watching movies and television can really kick start your mind into that storytelling mode. That’s what always helps me.

3.What should a writer look out for when deciding if their manuscript is the best it can possibly be before releasing it to an agent/publisher/the public? Critiques are the best way to go about it. It’s very beneficial if you can get a critique at a conference or through a contest. Critique groups are helpful as well, but you really need both—advice from your peers and from the professionals.

4.How can a writer be prepared for, and deal with rejection? I think it helps to start out writing articles, book reviews, short stories, etc. and submit those for publication and/or contests before sending out book manuscripts. You learn a lot about what works and what doesn’t that way. When it comes to rejection, sometimes you get a letter that teaches you something that you can use to improve your work. You also have to remind yourself that it’s part of the publishing business and if you want to get published then it’s something you have to get used to dealing with.

5.How should a writer deal with negative reviews about their book? The number one thing is to never engage with anyone who gives you a bad review. It might be they just don’t care for your style, it might be person who didn’t finish the book, or it could even be personal, but it will only make you look bad if you engage.

6.What’s the best piece of advice you have heard in respect of writing/being an author? That it’s not about you or your ego, that it’s all about what your book can do for someone else.

7.Can you share any valuable websites/magazines/blogs for authors in respect of tips, help and advice? Jo Linsdell has a great writing blog at: And Writer’s Digest is great, too. 

8.Any tips in respect of getting the synopsis right? I find it helps to read the back of books I love so I can see how they captured the heart of the story and then figure out how to do that with mine. 

9.Any tips on marketing and creating a fan base? Be authentic. What people see on your social media sites is what they expect to see when they pick up your books. If you’re copying what someone else is doing or not being yourself on there, people will pick up on it fast. So always be yourself.

10.Lastly, can you share with us about what your usual writing day is like? I write at night and in the early morning when there are no distracts. I do admin type-author work in the late afternoon and evening. I used to be able to write with music in the background, but now I need silence—I swear, I’d hear it if a squirrel sneezed outside!



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